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  • Full furnished 2+1brs/2baths & 148sqm @ Central Residences for selling
  • Full furnished 2+1brs/2baths & 148sqm @ Central Residences for selling
  • Full furnished 2+1brs/2baths & 148sqm @ Central Residences for selling
  • Full furnished 2+1brs/2baths & 148sqm @ Central Residences for selling
  • Full furnished 2+1brs/2baths & 148sqm @ Central Residences for selling
  • Full furnished 2+1brs/2baths & 148sqm @ Central Residences for selling

Full furnished 2+1brs/2baths & 148sqm @ Central Residences for selling

Price: ¥ 150,000 / Sqm
Posted July 4, 2024, at 06:31 PM · Viewed 9 times
  • House For Sale
  • Available Now
  • 1% of whole price
  • 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms
  • 148 sqm
  • 7
  • Furnished
  • South
  • Changning
  • -
  • 18 minutes walk to Jiangsu Rd on line(s)



Full furnished 2+1brs/2baths & 148sqm @ Central Residences for selling

Layout : 2 real bedrooms + 1 study room + 1 kitchen + 2 bathrooms + outside balcony in the living room part

The compound is very nice ,with gym and swimming pool, it's on the front building, can see nice view

Landlord is very nice and kindly to communicate, pls make an appointment with us at least one one in advance if

you hope to have a look of it


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31.213308 121.436378


Central Residences

  • Built by a Hongkong developer, Central Residences is located deep in Xuhui. It offers friendly, helpful front desk staff (with taxi calling services) and a sports club (available by opt-in paid membership). The compound is well maintained, and has 24/7 security. It is 5 min away from the Yan'an Elevated Road. The location is close to Huashan Lu, where there is a range of galleries and restaurants.
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  • WeChat: forever20ff
  • Phone: 15021275652

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