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Once Upon a Time-GCG Performs Modern American Composers

Tomorrow , 7:45pm
Jaguar Shanghai Symphony Hall
1380 Fuxing Zhong Lu, near Baoqing Lu


The Game Changer Group, an innovative orchestra founded by Maestro Yu Long in collaboration with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and Yu Long's Studio, will give a stunning performance on July 6th. The concert features compositions by iconic American figures such as composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein, minimalist music pioneer John Adams, and Oscar-winning composers like Korngold and Corigliano. This repertoire offers a distinctive showcase of American musical excellence.


  • Leonard Bernstein: Three Meditations, for cello & piano                                 15’
  • John Adams: Shaker Loops                                                                           25’
  • John Corigliano: The Red Violin Caprices                                                        10’
  • Erich Wolfgang Korngold: Suite for 2 violins, cello and piano left hand               38’

GCG Chamber Orchestra

  • Yuan Chen’er, Kong Lingyi, Lu Yifan, violin
  • Zhang Siyuan, viola
  • Shi Chengyan, Wang Ching, cello
  • Wang Chencheng, contrabass
  • Wong Ka Jeng, piano