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Beardageddon: We Shaved Some Dudes; Raised 40K for Charity. Hey, Good Times.

There were bands, there were drag kings, there were pole dancers, there was a raffle, there was swine to dine on. There were 18 guys culled from Shanghai community who donated their beards to a good ...
Last updated: 2016-11-28
There were bands, there were drag kings, there were pole dancers, there was a raffle, there was swine to dine on. There were 18 guys culled from Shanghai community who donated their beards to a good cause via the capable clippers of Brash and Doc Guthries. All in, the month-long Beardageddon event managed to pull in 40,000rmb for charity. Here are the SmSh event photos of Sunday's shaker.

A hearty thanks to the bands, the pole dancers, and the drag kings, Ruijin Cajun for the eats, the staff at Inferno, all the sponsors, and all the people who kicked in a little cash.

Let us never speak of this again.